By Naven Jones, Freelance Investigative Journalist
We previously reported about
flesh-eating termites and
flying snakes at Red
River Gorge. Now, campers are reporting even more bizarre occurrences. The whole
area is becoming a hotbed for the paranormal. I spoke to a man who identified
himself as "Mike" about what he saw. "It came out of the woods,
and made a sound so terrible, I pray I never have to hear it again. I peeked out
of my tent, and saw a thing that simply should not be. It had four limbs with
hooves, though it stood upright. It had wings like a bat and a head that looked part horse, part
camel and part demon! It looked red in color, though it was night, so I may be a
little off about the color. It didn't seem to notice me, and I am sure glad
about that. A bunch of wild animals were found dead and terribly mutilated the
next day."
What "Mike" has described has a name: The Jersey Devil. What was it doing in
Kentucky though? Its like have never been seen anywhere near this far south. He
is not the only one who has seen the thing, but his is the most vivid description of
I also spoke to another camper who would not tell me his full name, but asked
me to call him "Mitch". He describes creatures with a nearly human appearance
except that it has only one large eye above its nose where there ought to be
two: Cyclops people. He tells me that he thinks they live underground. "I saw
him right there. First, it looked like an ordinary man, only really tall, but then I noticed that
it was a Cyclops just like in mythology. It spotted me. I am sure of that, then
it grunted and disappeared into thin air! I went to investigate in the morning,
thinking maybe it was just a trick of the light, and I was seeing things, but
there was a single pair of footprints right where it had been standing; a single
pair! There were no more behind it or in front". He then told me that he stood
stood in the footprints to compare them to his own, and estimates that shoes to
fit them would have to be at least size 16. "I do not know if it is
dangerous, or was just as scared of me as I was of it, but I think I will have
to find a new place to camp now. I don't want to cross paths with it again. You
will not get me to go back to Red River Gorge!"
