LIFE COACHES ASSEMBLING ARMY OF "MANCHURIAN CANDIDATES"by Naven Jones, freelance investigative journalist.
For those who don't know, Life Coaching started out as a way to motivate salesmen to move more merchandise by having a constantly positive attitude, and a quasi-religious belief that everyone wanted to buy their products. Through meetings and seminars, sales forces were pumped up. These pep rallies were originally full of impressive sounding boardroom jargon that really had no meaning, but are now used for a lot more than selling sweepers. The things people who seek life coaches want include motivation, creativity, happiness, fulfillment, and most of all success. Encouraged by all the money being made from motivational sales seminars, many have got into life coaching. Businessmen and the idle rich spend billions each year to have so-called gurus tell them how to run their lives, feel good, and have success. Their growing presence on the internet can be seen by simply putting the phrase, "life coaching" into a search engine. Is there a problem with this other than fools and their money being parted? Yes, as Doctor Osborne and 'Phil' learned first hand. "I have worked with several mental patients," Doctor Osborne told me, "who were driven mad by these people. 'Phil' was the textbook case. He had always been a follower, and a needy person. After a motivational seminar his employer sent him to, he fell under the influence of a life coach. He was soon mentally crippled, not able to make any decision in his life without being coached through it. When his coach ran into legal troubles and was sent to prison, 'Phil' could no longer call on him. He suffered a nervous breakdown and was eventually referred to me for further study." Doctor Osborne went on to say that many people are potential subjects of mind control. It is not just the sheep of the world who follow but never lead. Anyone who is discontented or unhappy, such as disaffected college students and those going through a midlife crisis, are potential marks. Those who are grieving a major loss, especially if they use anti-depressant drugs, are easy targets. The crooked life coaches involved in this conspiracy use all of their clients as pushers to find new blood. They have infiltrated churches and support groups all over the country telling mentally and spiritually needy people that a life coach can be the answer to all their problems. I also spoke to Doctor Janis Thayne of Brandine University. She agreed with Doctor Osborne, and had also seen patients who told similar stories. "Some of these life coaches are just con men grabbing a quick buck, and some may even be legitimate, but a great number are a threat. The followers they are assembling could make the Manson family look like a church choir one day. This is a growing and terrible problem." I have learned that an army of mind slaves is being assembled. These mind slaves could be made to commit terrorist acts. They could infiltrate the highest echelons of our society and subvert it for the nefarious goals of their masters. We must stop this, or God help us when they are unleashed. HOME |