ALIENS ASSASSINATED KENNEDYBy Naven Jones, Freelance Investigative Journalist Many records about the JFK assassination that were previously classified are now available to the public. They were released by the National Archives first in July of 2017, then in October, November and December. A new suspect has emerged that previous theories had not considered, and it is something out of this world.
It didn't take a rocket scientist to think that once humanity had conquered the moon, Mars would be its next target. Somebody had a problem with that: The Zhti Ti Kofft. The planet we call Mars is their home, and they don't welcome visitors. They have reminded certain people in Washington of this several times, most recently including former Congressman Barney Frank, who led a charge to ban any manned Mars missions. So, how did they do it? With mind control. The mind control rays that people using tinfoil hats have warned us of are very real, and one was used to control Lee Harvey Oswald like a puppet on strings. He did not act alone. Not only was he under alien manipulation, but so was a second shooter on the grassy knoll. He would be called upon in case Oswald did not shoot straight, or his Mannlicher-Carcano rifle jammed. It turned out the second shooter was not needed, though many had noted his presence. Nearly all conspiracy theorists have included references to a gunman on the grassy knoll It is no surprise that this earth-shattering information took so long to come to light. It is straight out of the X-files! This revelation leads one to wonder how many other classified documents in government hands reveal the existence of alien life, and alien meddling in our affairs. HOME |